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Eguzodas さんの日記。(5件表示)

05/05/15 21:16(open)05/05/15 21:18(3)
チーム『レギオン』万歳(ノ ゜Д゜)ノ ==== ┻━━┻
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Soros and Bolton, 42, plan to exchange vows in a small ceremony on Saturday morning at the Bedford, New York estate, which Soros bought in 2003 from "Jurassic Park" author Michael Crichton. Kimba Wood, a federal judge, will perform the non-denominational ceremony, which will be attended by members of the couple's families, including his five children, a source familiar with the arrangements told Reuters.

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The first allegations surfaced two weeks ago when a former councilwoman and onetime Filner supporter called for the mayor to step down, saying she had credible evidence that he harassed women. Filner then issued a video statement, apologizing for intimidating and "failing to fully respect" women. He called his behavior "inappropriate and wrong," promised to change, and declared, "I need help."

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(22/06/30 07:00)
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Canada>Canada http://www.lamingtonhotelmotel.com.au/stmap_64mvltdi.html?aggrenox.viagra.betapace.diclofenac khasiat cetirizine In 2010, the bank sold its share of the 1.2-million-barrel Battle River oil storage terminalin Alberta, a legacy of Merrill Lynch's investment banking days. Commercial banks are notallowed to own physical infrastructure under Fed regulations. Its co-head of oil trading ThomasAndersen left this year.

(22/06/30 07:00)
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(22/06/30 07:00)
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05/05/11 06:38(open)05/05/11 06:43(2)
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Boyacky >
(05/05/15 19:06)

05/05/07 12:59(open)05/05/07 13:00(1)
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なんか日記が消えちゃった( ̄□ ̄;)みんなゴメン!せっかくレス書いてくれていたのに!次からへんな所押さないようにします(´;ω;`)
代理 > 美浜屋はうまい。ちなみに近い!春日部のUNIQLOの近くにまめぞう ていうラーメン屋があって、ここもおいしいよ〜いつも並んでる。美浜屋はウチの弟が常連。世の中狭いねぇ。あと、オススメは大宮栗橋線ぞい蓮田ガストの隣のもちもちの木ていうラーメン。夜中でも30分は並ぶ。こんなに旨い醤油ラーメンは初めて位感動した。いつかお試しあれ〜v(^^)v (05/05/08 18:03)
Eguzodas >
(05/05/09 00:37)
代理 > 関係ないけど、コメントの意味ワカンナイ。 (05/05/10 04:41)
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jiroemonn > 何々?元カノとの別れ話?てかかじゅは美浜屋てしってるんだっけ? (05/05/11 02:01)


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